Roland's Housewarming Gifts

Est. 1995

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A classic housewarming gift! We take this light beige 100% cotton throw and embroider our exclusive house design, along with a family name and year in the lower right hand corner. The year can be replaced with town and state for an additional $2.50. Note the faint design of hearts which are woven into this 2-ply washable throw. Approx. 46" x 67". Allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.

When filling out the personalization please note that an ' (apostrophe) always shows possession of something. To pluralize add an "s" to the name except for names that end in s, x, z, ch or sh. To pluralize these names you must us an "es", for example: Jones -> The Joneses. If you don't like the way that looks we suggest using "The Jones Family" if it fits or removing the word "The" and just having the family name.

Type in Family Name box exactly how you want personalization to appear. Example: if you want "The" to precede the name type in "The"

For the line below the house you may type in a custom Town/State or a year.
Est. 2007
Augusta, ME

Embroidered Cotton Throw Personalized Gift

Ordering Options

This throw has two personalization options. The first is a standard Est. and a Year for the line below the house.
The other option is a customized line below the house of up to 27 characters of your choice, this option is an additional $2.50.